Big changes are coming!

Some of you will know that I ran some polls on the site over the last couple of months. Well I checked out the results and accordingly there will be some big changes on the site, the first of which is that I’ve moved to WordPress and given the site a fresh new look.

Thanks to all the people who responded to the polls, your input was very very appreciated! Here are the changes:

  • Comments will be enabled so now if you have something to say, you can let everyone know!
  • I’m going to write up tutorials for version 13.1 so if you’re not there yet, you should get updated.
  • More tutorials for EDK (which will be known as XPS from now on).
  • Tutorials for ISE.
  • Tutorials for Core generator.
  • Tutorials for Chipscope.
  • Tutorials for FPGA editor.
  • Tutorials for PlanAhead.

I don’t get paid to write these tutorials and I’m totally against filling this site with ads, so I’ve decided to offer my professional services to any companies who come across the site, so please support me by linking to the site and telling your friends about the great tutorials we have here!