Using Chipscope and SDK at the same time

Today I was having problems debugging a design in Chipscope and SDK. For some reason, every time I used the Chipscope trigger (either the armed trigger or immediate) the Microblaze would reset or jump to another part of the code. I figured that Chipscope was messing with the stack pointer but I couldn’t find anything in the forums for such a problem. I finally came across a solution here: [14.6] SDK and Chipscope do not work together [Read More]

How to keep a signal name after mapping

Why can’t I find my signals in Chipscope inserter? Often you want to assign a constraint to a particular signal in your design, or you want be able to find a particular signal in Chipscope inserter. In both cases, the signal must be in the physical design database (ie. in the .NCD file - Native Circuit Description) which is generated by the mapper. Not all signal names in your HDL code will end up in the NCD, some of them will be absorbed into logic blocks and grouped into a different signal name. [Read More]