Version control for Vivado projects

Version control for Vivado projects
Vivado generates a whole bunch of files when you create a project, and it’s not very clear on which are source files and which are generated files. The best approach is to consider them all to be generated files and to put none of them in version control. Instead, create a folder stucture for your sources that makes sense to you and use Tcl scripts to build the project and import the sources. [Read More]

Creating a Base System for the Zynq in Vivado

Creating a Base System for the Zynq in Vivado
Tutorial Overview In the ISE/EDK tools, we’d use the Base System Builder to generate a base project for a particular hardware platform. Now with Vivado, the process is a little different but we have more control in how things are setup and we still benefit from some powerful automation features. In this tutorial we’ll create a base design for the Zynq in Vivado and we’ll use the MicroZed board as the hardware platform. [Read More]

Code templates: Generate for loop

This is the first part of a series of posts I will write on various code structures and examples for HDL designs. Here I want to talk about the generate statement and particularly the for loop. Most programmers think of a for loop as being a code segment that is repeated during execution of the program. The generate for loop is similar in concept however the difference is that the code segment is repeated on compilation time. [Read More]

List and comparison of FPGA companies

With the top two FPGA companies taking up 89% of the FPGA market, you can be forgiven for thinking there was no one else out there. Xilinx and Altera have done a good job of defending the duopoly but a few companies are gradually winning market share by targeting specific applications and sub-markets. Here is a list of the top 5 FPGA companies by revenue. Chart: FPGA Market Share by 2010 revenue in Millions of USDDescription: This chart compares the 2010 revenues of Xilinx, Altera, Lattice Semiconductor, Microsemi and QuickLogic companies. [Read More]