List of PYNQ projects and ports

List of PYNQ projects and ports
PYNQ enables huge productivity gains by making it possible to program the Zynq-7000 SoC with a high-level programming language (Python) and leverage the power of FPGA hardware acceleration with ease. Xilinx first designed PYNQ to target the PYNQ-Z1 board but it wasn’t long before others saw the potential of running PYNQ on other platforms. This post is a list of open-sourced PYNQ projects and ports that run on other platforms. I’ll keep the list up-to-date but if you know of an open-sourced PYNQ project or port that I haven’t found yet, please let me know and I’ll add it to the list. [Read More]

PYNQ Computer Vision demo: 2D filter and dilate

See what the PYNQ-Z1 and the PYNQ Computer Vision overlay are capable of doing with a 720p standard HD video stream. In the video we run a 2D filter and dilate function on the incoming video, first using the Python OpenCV functions (ie. without hardware acceleration), then we test it again with the accelerator IPs running on the FPGA. Without acceleration, we get a frame rate of 5 frames per second. [Read More]

How to accelerate a Python function with PYNQ

This video demonstrates how you would typically go about accelerating a Python function or algorithm on the Zynq-7000 with PYNQ. The function I chose to base this video on is the Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter because the SciPy package contains the lfilter function which can be used for this purpose, and because the Xilinx IP catalog has a free FIR filter IP core. If you instead wanted to implement the accelerator in HLS, the process would be very similar, you would just have to design your accelerator with AXI-Streaming interfaces and ensure that the TLAST signals were properly managed. [Read More]

Create a custom PYNQ overlay for PYNQ-Z1

In this video tutorial we create a custom PYNQ overlay for the PYNQ-Z1 board. Probably the simplest PYNQ overlay possible, it contains one custom IP (an adder) with an AXI-Lite interface and three registers accessible over that interface: a, b and c. To use the IP we write a number to input registers a and b, and then we read the output register c which contains the sum of a and b. [Read More]

Python for the Zynq and the PYNQ-Z1

Being a big fan of Python, for ages I’ve wanted to explore the possibilities of running Python on the Zynq. Thankfully Xilinx and Digilent saw the value in this too and they developed the PYNQ-Z1 and more importantly the PYNQ libraries for Python. The PYNQ-Z1 is basically a single board computer based on the Zynq-7020 device from Xilinx. So thats got a dual core ARM plus integrated FPGA or programmable logic. [Read More]