Using the AXI DMA in Vivado

Using the AXI DMA in Vivado
Update 2017-10-10: I’ve turned this tutorial into a video here for Vivado 2017.2. In a previous tutorial I went through how to use the AXI DMA Engine in EDK, now I’ll show you how to use the AXI DMA in Vivado. We’ll create the hardware design in Vivado, then write a software application in the Xilinx SDK and test it on the MicroZed board (source code is shared on Github for the MicroZed and the ZedBoard, see links at the bottom). [Read More]
dma  popular 

Creating a custom IP block in Vivado

Creating a custom IP block in Vivado
Update 2017-11-01: Here’s a newer tutorial on creating a custom IP with AXI-Streaming interfaces Tutorial Overview In this tutorial we’ll create a custom AXI IP block in Vivado and modify its functionality by integrating custom VHDL code. We’ll be using the Zynq SoC and the MicroZed as a hardware platform. For simplicity, our custom IP will be a multiplier which our processor will be able to access through register reads and writes over an AXI bus. [Read More]

Version control for Vivado projects

Version control for Vivado projects
Vivado generates a whole bunch of files when you create a project, and it’s not very clear on which are source files and which are generated files. The best approach is to consider them all to be generated files and to put none of them in version control. Instead, create a folder stucture for your sources that makes sense to you and use Tcl scripts to build the project and import the sources. [Read More]

Creating a Base System for the Zynq in Vivado

Creating a Base System for the Zynq in Vivado
Tutorial Overview In the ISE/EDK tools, we’d use the Base System Builder to generate a base project for a particular hardware platform. Now with Vivado, the process is a little different but we have more control in how things are setup and we still benefit from some powerful automation features. In this tutorial we’ll create a base design for the Zynq in Vivado and we’ll use the MicroZed board as the hardware platform. [Read More]