Creating a custom AXI-Streaming IP in Vivado

The AXI-Streaming interface is important for designs that need to process a stream of data, such as samples coming from an ADC, or images coming from a camera. In this tutorial, we go through the steps to create a custom IP in Vivado with both a slave and master AXI-Streaming interface. The custom IP will be written in Verilog and it will simply buffer the incoming data at the slave interface and make it available at the master interface - in other words, it will be a FIFO. [Read More]

Creating a custom IP block in Vivado

Creating a custom IP block in Vivado
Update 2017-11-01: Here’s a newer tutorial on creating a custom IP with AXI-Streaming interfaces Tutorial Overview In this tutorial we’ll create a custom AXI IP block in Vivado and modify its functionality by integrating custom VHDL code. We’ll be using the Zynq SoC and the MicroZed as a hardware platform. For simplicity, our custom IP will be a multiplier which our processor will be able to access through register reads and writes over an AXI bus. [Read More]

Create a Peripheral using the Peripheral Wizard

Tutorial Overview In this tutorial we will create a simple project that uses our own IP peripheral (instead of using the XPS General Purpose IO peripheral provided by Xilinx) to read from the DIP switches and write to the LEDs. The software application will display the DIP switch values on the LED outputs and also send the DIP switch values to the UART. Any custom logic (IP) that you design must connect to the PLB to communicate with the Microblaze processor. [Read More]

Integrating a Blackbox into a Peripheral

Tutorial Overview Sometimes we have an .ngc file from CORE Generator (or some other source) that we would like to bring into EDK as a peripheral. This project is a simple example of integrating a blackbox design into a peripheral generated by the Peripheral Wizard. We will first create a blackbox multiplier using the Xilinx CORE Generator and then we will use the generated .ngc file in our peripheral. [Read More]

Integrating a VHDL Design into a Peripheral

Tutorial Overview This tutorial is similar to the previous one titled: Integrating a Blackbox into a Peripheral however in this case, instead of integrating an .ngc file into a peripheral, we integrate one or more VHDL files. Sometimes we have a VHDL design that we developed in ISE, or some other program, and we would like to bring it into the EDK as a peripheral. In this tutorial, we will create the same multiplier peripheral as was created in the previous tutorial. [Read More]

Manually Add a Peripheral to a Project

Tutorial Overview In the previous example, we created a project using the BSB and all of the work related to the hardware design was done by the BSB. In this example, we will create the same simple project, but this time we will add the GPIO for the LEDs manually. This way we will learn the process of adding extra peripherals to our design and we will also better understand the hardware design features of XPS. [Read More]

Integrating a VHDL Design into a Peripheral

Overview This tutorial is similar to the previous one titled: Integrating a Blackbox into a Peripheral however in this case, instead of integrating an .ngc file into a peripheral, we integrate one or more VHDL files. Sometimes we have a VHDL design that we developed in ISE, or some other program, and we would like to bring it into the EDK as a peripheral. In this tutorial, we will create the same multiplier peripheral as was created in the previous tutorial. [Read More]

Create a Simple Timer Peripheral

Overview In this project, we will add code to a peripheral template generated by the Peripheral Wizard to create a simple timer. The timer peripheral will be used by the PowerPC to make the LEDs flash with a fixed period. Figure: The Timer peripheral The timer will use two registers, one to store the delay period and the other for starting, stopping and checking if the timer has expired. We will call the first register the delay register and the second register the control register. [Read More]

Integrating a Blackbox into a Peripheral

Overview Sometimes we have an .ngc file from CORE Generator (or some other source) that we would like to bring into EDK as a peripheral. This project is a simple example of integrating a blackbox design into a peripheral generated by the Peripheral Wizard. We will first create a blackbox multiplier using the Xilinx CORE Generator and then we will use the generated .ngc file in our peripheral. The multiplier will take in two 16 bit unsigned inputs and have a 32 bit unsigned output. [Read More]

Create a Peripheral using the Peripheral Wizard

Overview In this tutorial we will create a simple project that uses our own IP core (instead of using the General Purpose IO core provided by Xilinx) to read from the DIP switches and write to the LEDs. The software application will display the DIP switch values on the LED outputs and also send the DIP switch values to the UART. Any IP core must connect to the OPB (or PLB) to communicate with the PowerPC. [Read More]